Sunday, October 24, 2010

Gap Logo: Old vs New

Changing a logo overnight would cause some commotion among customers but when you have had the same logo for over 20 years, people just get angry.  In my opinion, Gap should have never changed their logo.  From a design perspective, the new logo just looked horrible.  The boring black Helvetica font and the tiny blue gradient box made the overall appearance seem cheap.  Even though the original design is uninteresting, with a blue box and plain, white text, at least it looks as though it was created by a designer instead of someone just using Microsoft Word. 

Gap made a huge mistake by switching their logo without warning their customers.  With the amount of brand loyalty that this company has, the customers are the ones basically running the show.  They are the reason it is successful so changing something without their approval is actually just not courteous.  It was interesting to see how much effect the social media had with this case though.  Gap has over 700,000 Facebook fans that all wanted to express their opinion.  I think this new technology is great, especially for companies because they get instant feedback on their products and performance.  Gap was able to see the negative response to the new logo and fix it before too much damage was done.  Before social networking, it may have taken much longer and their sales would have dropped much more drastically.

If Gap wants to take their company in a new direction and have the logo be a part of that then they need to do something completely different.  But they don't need to make it look so forced that they are stepping outside of the box .  No pun intended.

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